新关注 > 信息聚合 > (公司)南都电源:铅炭电池具有良好市场前景


(company) Southern Power: lead carbon battery has good market prospects

2015-08-03 18:33:40来源: 和讯网

全景网8月3日讯 南都电源(300068,股吧)(300068)在最新披露的《投资者关系活动记录表》中表示,公司的启停电池具有能量回收装置,节油率更高。目前,启停电池仍然以传统的铅酸电池为主,但传统铅酸电池大电流充放电寿命短等问题制约了该技术的推广,公司研发的新型铅炭电池技术可解决这一不...

panorama Network August 3 hearing Southern Power (300068, stock it) (300068) in the latest disclosure of "investor relations activities record table," said company start and stop the battery with energy recovery device, the fuel saving rate higher. At present, the starting and stopping of the battery is still the traditional lead-acid batteries, but the traditional lead-acid battery charging and discharging of the battery life is short and other issues which restrict the promotion of the technology, the company developed a new lead carbon battery technology can solve this problem...