新关注 > 信息聚合 > 专辑《日常》暌违两年正式发行 田馥甄爆姐妹日常

专辑《日常》暌违两年正式发行 田馥甄爆姐妹日常

The album "Daily" officially released Hebe Tian sisters separated for two years daily explosion

2016-07-29 08:34:45来源: 新华报业网

京华时报记者吴平摄 田馥甄第四张全新专辑《日常》暌违两年多终于在日前正式发行,7月28日,田馥甄飞赴北京举办新专辑内地记者会。专辑起名《日常》,田馥甄想要把自己的日常和大家分享,不仅如此,田馥甄还在发布会现场爆料好姐妹Selina和Ella的日常。 发布会现场,田馥甄特别以现场乐...

Jinghua Times reporter Wu Pingshe Hebe mynew album "everyday" separated for two years and finally in the recently released, July 28, Tian Fuzhen flew to mainland reporters of the new album, fair held in Beijing. The album named "everyday", Hebe Tian want to share their daily and everyone, not only that, Hebe Tian also broke the news conference site good sisters Selina and Ella daily. Conference site, Hebe Tian special to live music...