新关注 > 信息聚合 > 欧洲杯-84分钟献绝杀 爱尔兰1-0意大利神奇出线

欧洲杯-84分钟献绝杀 爱尔兰1-0意大利神奇出线

European Cup -84 minute offer magical lore Italy 1-0 Ireland qualify

2016-06-23 06:38:58来源: 华体网

爱尔兰队绝杀 讯 北京时间6月23日凌晨3时,欧洲杯小组赛E组第三轮较量打响,由提前锁定小组第一的意大利对阵爱尔兰,下半场因西涅的射门击中立柱,布拉迪则在第84分钟头球为爱尔兰打破僵局,最终爱尔兰...

Irish team lore FRANCISCO at 3:00 on June 23, the European Cup group E group started the third round of the contest, the first Italian team ahead of lock against Ireland, Yin Xinie shot hit the post in the second half, Brad Di header in the 84th minute to break the deadlock in Ireland, Ireland final ...