新关注 > 信息聚合 > 射击世界杯慕尼黑站中国高居第1 埃蒙斯状态逆天

射击世界杯慕尼黑站中国高居第1 埃蒙斯状态逆天

Shooting World Cup in Munich station China ranked No. 1 Emmons state Guards

2016-05-26 08:28:51来源: 新浪

埃蒙斯瞄准里约 新华社北京5月25日体育专电(记者沈楠、林德韧)国际射联世界杯慕尼黑站(步手枪)当地时间25日结束,中国队在最后一天再夺女子10米气手枪铜牌,以3金2银2铜的成绩居奖牌榜第一。美国名将埃蒙斯则以破世界纪录的强势表现再度成为里约奥运会夺标大热门。 和4月的里约站暨奥...

Emmons aimed Rio May 25 Xinhua News Agency Beijing sports news (reporters Shen Nan, Linde tough) ISSF World Cup in Munich station (step pistol) local time on the 25th end, the Chinese team at the end of one day winning the women's 10 meter air pistol bronze, with 3 gold, 2 silver and 2 bronze medals ranking first medal. US champion Emmons places world record of strong performance once again became the Rio Olympic championship favorite. And April Rio station-cum-Olympic ...