新关注 > 信息聚合 > 颜强:不可复制的拉玛西亚


Marcia yan qiang: do not copy

2016-03-16 15:25:52来源: 新浪

出租车经过坎帕诺,绕行而过时,出租车司机指向一幢昏暗夜色中小房子,“La Masia,”他说道。 早春时节来到巴塞罗那,因为移动互联网的巴展,已经是全球最大的移动科技展览,也因为巴萨俱乐部,特别...

A taxi after the camp nou, round and outdated, the taxi driver to small and medium-sized houses a dark night, "La Masia," he said. Spring came to Barcelona, and because of the mobile Internet, is already the world's largest mobile technology exhibition, also because of the Barcelona club, special...