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现车促销 购科鲁兹三厢最高优惠1.8万元

Inventory sales purchase Cruze sedan highest preferential 18000 yuan

2015-07-26 08:39:45来源: 爱卡汽车网

近日,编辑从重庆美冠汽车销售服务有限公司了解到,购买科鲁兹三厢最高可优惠1.8万元。店内提供试驾车,想获得更多优惠的网友可点击“询底价”报名,感兴趣的朋友不妨关注一下。详情请见下表: 咨询经销商时...

recently, editors from the Chongqing Automobile sales and Service Co., Ltd. Beauty Crown, buy the Cruze sedan highest preferential 18000 yuan. Offer to try to drive, want to get more preferential users can click on the reserve price, interested friends may wish to pay attention to. Details please refer to the following table: consult the dealer...