新关注 > 信息聚合 > 广西南宁:着力改善少数民族地区民生


Nanning: Striving to improve people's livelihood in Minority Areas

2015-07-22 01:48:41来源: 东方财富网

正如南宁市市长周红波在接受记者采访时说的,创建民族团结进步示范市不是一个目的只是一个过程,要通过创建工作来进一步“改善”少数民族“地区”的民生。 走进南宁市良庆区那马镇坛良村坛板坡,就能看到一幢...

As mayor of Nanning Zhou Hongbo, he said in an interview with reporters, and create national unity and progress demonstration city is not an object but a process to work through the creation of further "improve" people's livelihood minority "areas". Into Liang Qing District of Nanning City that mazhen Liangcun altar altar plate slope, you can see a ...