新关注 > 信息聚合 > 快播CEO王欣太太微博发文“老公你好吗?” 姚劲..

快播CEO王欣太太微博发文“老公你好吗?” 姚劲..

Nora CEO Wang Xin microblogging issued a document, husband, how are you?" Yao Jin..

2015-06-17 21:27:05来源: TechWeb

快播CEO王欣太太微博发文“老公你好吗?” 姚劲波等打赏 【TechWeb报道】6月17日消息,快播CEO王欣太太发表名为《老公你好吗?》的文章,该文章于下午17时06分发布,截至发稿,阅读量已超...

broadcast CEO Wang Xin wife microblogging issued a document, the husband how are you?" Yao Jinbo, such as reward [TechWeb] June 17th news, Nora CEO Wang Xin wife published entitled "husband how are you?" The article, the article at seventeen six in the afternoon, as of press time, the amount of reading has been exceeded...