新关注 > 信息聚合 > 北斗盒子护航新疆博格达穿越活动,保障驴友通信..


Compass box escort Bogda mountain, Xinjiang through activities and guarantee Alice communication..

2015-07-12 17:46:57来源: IB资讯

[ 摘要]:有史以来最大规模的穿越新疆博格达峰的队伍即将启程出发,北斗盒子独特的卫星短信报平安,一键带位置SOS功能将全程保障驴友们的通信安全! 有些梦想,不用实现,仰视的感觉也不错;有些梦想,...

[Abstract]: ever since the largest cross peaks Bogda Xinjiang team is about to set out on a journey, compass box unique satellite message of peace, a key with position SOS functions will be full guarantee the communication security of Alice! Some dreams, not realizing, looking up feeling is also good; some dreams,...