新关注 > 信息聚合 > 青岛将完善“3090干线路网”五年内改400余公里


Qingdao will improve "3090" trunk road network in five years to more than 3090 kilometers

2016-10-17 01:52:59来源: 大众网

晚报讯 记者昨日从省交通厅获悉,今年以来,全省持续加大普通国省道养护工程投资力度,截至9月底,112项已完工,133项已开工建设,41项正在进行开工前准备工作,累计完成投资151.8亿元。据了解,未...

Evening paper Yesterday, reporters learned from provincial communications department, since this year, the province continue to increase investment in common GuoShengDao maintenance project, by the end of September, 112 has been completed, 133 started construction, 41 the ongoing preparation before start working, the total investment of 15.18 billion yuan. It is understood that not...