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《神秘集结》将于10月13日登入Playstation VR

The mysterious rally will be held on October 13, login Playstation VR

2016-10-05 06:44:57来源: 17173

17173 新闻导语 近日,英国VR开发团队nDreams宣布其虚幻4引擎第一人称VR游戏《神秘集结(The Assembly)》将于10月13日登入PSVR平台。价格29.99美元(约合199人...

17173 news leads Recently, The British VR development team nDreams announced its unreal engine 4 first-person VR games "assembled (The Assembly)" will be held on October 13, login PSVR platform. Price is $29.99 (about 199 people...

标签: VR