新关注 > 信息聚合 > 吉林四平针刺多名幼儿案宣判 4名幼儿园教师被判刑

吉林四平针刺多名幼儿案宣判 4名幼儿园教师被判刑

Jilin Siping acupuncture than children sentencing 4 kindergarten teachers were sentenced

2016-10-26 22:43:12来源: 中国新闻网

新华社长春10月26日专电(记者李双溪)26日,吉林省四平市铁西区人民法院对2015年11月发生的四平市红黄蓝幼儿园4名教师针刺多名孩子案件宣判。 四平市铁西区人民法院认为,4名被告人身为幼儿教...

Xinhua Changchun October 26th news (reporter Li Shuangxi) 26 days, Siping City of Jilin province Tiexi District People's court occurred on November 2015 in Siping City red yellow blue 4 teachers acupuncture children cases. Siping City Tiexi District People's court held that the 4 defendants for early childhood education...