新关注 > 信息聚合 > 中宣部在徐州召开家训巡讲工作经验交流会


The central propaganda department was held in xuzhou family precepts tour experience exchange

2016-02-25 23:41:07来源: 人民网江苏视窗

徐州市将传统的尊老敬老家训搬进了小学课堂,用课间操的形式对孩子们进行教育。 人民网徐州2月25日电 (闫峰)25日,由中宣部、全国妇联主办的“最美家庭讲好家训”巡讲工作经验交流会在江苏徐州举行。...

Xuzhou city aged to respect the traditional family precepts moved into the primary school classroom, in the form of the lesson hold on education for children. PRC xuzhou Feb. 25 (xinhua 闫峰) 25, sponsored by the propaganda department, the all-china women's federation "most beautiful family speak good family precepts" tour experience exchange meeting was held in xuzhou, jiangsu province. ...