新关注 > 信息聚合 > 丁蕙实验小学开学送五福,喜迎新学期


Ding Hui experiment elementary school sent wufu, welcome the new semester

2016-02-25 23:41:07来源: 中国教育在线

中国教育在线浙江站讯 (通讯员 董珍珍 记者 陈显婷)2月23日,江干区各中小学正式开学了。浙师大附属丁蕙实验小学在开学之日把凝结着美好祝愿的五福——“福勤学雅孝”送到了孩子们手中。 一大早,丁...

China education online zhejiang stand - (correspondent Dong Zhenzhen reporter Chen Xianting) on February 23, jianggan district each middle and primary school officially start. ZheShiDa affiliated Ding Hui experiment elementary school in the school day to adhere to best wishes wufu - "the study of filial piety" sent to the hands of the children. Early in the morning, d...