新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《守望先锋》国服清出7000外挂:永久封号


The watchman pioneer countries take out 7000 plugins: permanent titles

2016-09-29 13:56:30来源: 环球网

暴雪射击网游《守望先锋》凭借快速的游戏节奏和简单的上手难度笼络了不少玩家加入,但随着天梯赛的开始,外挂也逐渐滋生。有玩家甚至将《守望先锋》国服调侃为“外挂先锋”。 对此,暴雪自然相当重视,于是正...

Blizzard shooting game "watchman pioneer" with the fast pace of the game and simple to fit the difficulty where many players to join, but as the beginning of the ladders, plug-ins also gradually grow. The watchman pioneer, has players even dress as pioneer "plugins". To this, blizzard pay much attention to nature, so is...

标签: 守望先锋