新关注 > 信息聚合 > 朱婷再战世俱杯期待冠军 三年前随郎平拿到铜牌

朱婷再战世俱杯期待冠军 三年前随郎平拿到铜牌

Twila expect and FIFA world club championship Three years ago with lang ping got the bronze

2016-10-13 15:12:02来源: 新浪

朱婷在瓦基弗银行队训练照 新浪体育讯 朱婷来到土耳其已经四周了,14日她将随瓦基弗银行俱乐部前往菲律宾的马尼拉参加世俱杯的比赛,对于世俱杯朱婷有很高的期待,此前接受采访的时候就曾表示想帮助球队获...

Twila in tile kiefer bank team training Dispatch of sina sports Twila have been arrived in Turkey for four weeks, 14, she will be along with tile kiefer bank club to Manila in the Philippines to participate in the club World Cup game, has high expectations for the club World Cup twila, previously has said he want to help the team when I was in an interview for...