新关注 > 信息聚合 > 海关总署:前三季度跨境电商保税进口额173亿元


The general administration of customs: cross-border electricity bonded imports in the first three quarters of 17.3 billion yuan

2016-10-22 00:48:51来源: 人民网

海关总署副署长孙毅彪20日在国新办新闻发布会上表示,海关总署正通过推动东部转型升级,引导转向中西部,简政放权等多项举措,力推我国加工贸易的转型升级。 据海关统计,今年1-9月,我国进出口总值17.53万亿元人民币,同比下降1.9%。其中加工贸易进出口5.16万亿元,同比下降7%,下降...

The customs general administration, deputy director of Sun Yibiao 20th in the scio, said at a news conference by promote the transformation and upgrading of the east, the general administration of customs are guided to the Midwest, and decentralization and so on many measures, promote transformation and upgrading of processing trade in our country. According to customs statistics, the first 9 months this year, China's import and export value of 17.53 trillion yuan, down 1.9% year-on-year. The processing trade import and export of 5.16 trillion yuan, fell 7% year on year, falling...

标签: 电商