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写在回归梦幻前 学生党追逐精锐的梦想

Writing before the return to dream Elite students party chase dream

2016-07-23 10:02:05来源: 17173

我退游快2年了,如果是刚退游那段时间写,可能会记得更多一点,可惜那时候错过了,而且因为一些事,也没有心情写,如今能记得多少就是多少吧。 这段时间玩棒子国游戏亏成狗,闲来突然记得梦幻,现在刚好是暑假...

I swim almost 2 years back, if it is just swim at the time to write back, would remember that a little more, but at that time missed, and because some things, and no mood to write, can now remember how much is how much. This paragraph of time playing bonzi countries into a dog, idle to suddenly remember a dream, just now is summer vacation...