新关注 > 信息聚合 > 心跳变音乐:美国医生让病人“心声”永存(图)


Heartbeat music: the United States the doctor had the patient "voice" forever (FIG.)

2016-07-10 15:14:26来源: 中国新闻网

中新网7月10日电 据外媒报道,近日,美国密歇根州一所儿童医院的音乐治疗师布莉姬 索瓦(Bridget Sova),制作了几十个独特的录音送给病人的家属。索瓦利用特别的听诊器录下小病人规律的心跳,与各种音乐混合,让病人不论如何,他们的心跳都可以留存下来。 据悉,她在大湍市德沃斯儿童医...

Beijing, July 10 (Reuters) According to foreign media reports, recently, Michigan a children's hospital of music therapists bree kyi francois (Bridget Sova), made dozens of unique recording to the patient's family members. Francois using special stethoscope recorded little regularity of the heartbeat, the patient mix with all sorts of music, let the patient, however, their heart can survive. It is reported, she in grand rapids, voss children's d...