新关注 > 信息聚合 > 海口两家商铺被责令整改仍卖五毛食品 被罚5000元

海口两家商铺被责令整改仍卖五毛食品 被罚5000元

Haikou two shops were ordered to rectification is still five hair food was fined 5000 yuan

2016-12-25 17:16:35来源: 南海网

被责令整改仍销售“五毛”食品 两家商铺分别被罚5000元 南国都市报12月24日讯(记者蒙健)从去年至今年以来,南国都市报多次报道了商铺销售“五毛”食品,引起海口市食药监局的重视,严厉查处部...

Was ordered to rectify two shops still sell "five hair" food was fined 5000 yuan respectively South China metropolis daily news (reporter MengJian) on December 24, from last year to this year, the south metropolis daily reported many times sales "five hair" food shops, cause the attention of haikou city food drug administration, investigated the...