新关注 > 信息聚合 > 领峰贵金属:午后横盘震荡 晚上弱势偏空

领峰贵金属:午后横盘震荡 晚上弱势偏空

Brought the peak of precious metals: afternoon sideways concussion Weak bearish in the evening

2016-07-19 00:09:36来源: 新浪

晚上美国消息面较为平淡,预期股市或继续窄幅震荡。不过外汇市场波幅或有所扩大,根据彭博的最新报道,在针对十大投资机构进行的调查显示,英镑短线仍有走跌的空间,预计到今年年底英镑会下跌约4%。 美元指数...

American news at night is relatively flat, forecast the stock market or continue to range trade. But the foreign exchange market volatility or widened, according to the latest reports bloomberg, on the top ten investment institutions, according to research conducted sterling short-term there is still a negative space, pounds by the end of this year is expected to fall by about 4%. The dollar index...