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进球GIF-汪泉禁区内拉倒吉安努 扎哈维点球命中

Goals from GIF Wang Quan box end gian Mr Harvey penalty hit

2016-07-27 21:58:57来源: 新浪

扎哈维比赛中 新浪体育讯 北京时间7月27日晚19:35,足协杯1/4决赛次回合,广州富力客场挑战河北华夏幸福,首回合富力主场3-0击败华夏幸福,第44分钟,扎哈维点球破门,富力1-0领先华夏幸福。 扎哈维点球破门 第44分钟,汪泉禁区内拉倒吉安努,主裁判果断判罚点球,扎哈维主...

Mr. Harvey in the game Dispatch of sina sports Beijing time on July 27, late capacity, the fa cup quarter-final second leg, guangzhou r&f at hebei huaxia happiness, first leg 3-0 defeat at huaxia fuli home happiness, 44 minutes, Harvey penalty goal, fuli 1-0 lead Chinese happiness. Mr. Harvey penalty goal 44 minutes, pull down gian Wang Quan box, referee decisive penalty decision, Mr. Harvey Lord...