新关注 > 信息聚合 > 去年11月份5.3万人进证券行业 创六年来之最

去年11月份5.3万人进证券行业 创六年来之最

In November last year, 53000 people in the securities industry and the most in six years

2017-01-11 11:38:28来源: 中国网

目前,海通证券、中信建投、国泰君安、广发证券执业人数突破一万人 ■记者 李文 虽不及2015年的辉煌,但在去年,券商单季行业盈利环比稳步提升。在业绩回暖的同时,证券行业从业人数也大幅扩容。 ...

At present, haitong securities, citic construction, guotai junan, wide hair negotiable securities practice breakthrough in ten thousand s Li wen is less than 2015 years of brilliant, but in the last year, the brokerage quarterly industry profits from rising steadily. In performance recovery at the same time, the number of securities industry has expanded. ...