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谭维维PK张靓颖 四川超女《歌手》厮杀

Tan Weiwei PK Jane Zhang Sichuan Super Girl "singer" fight

2015-02-03 19:26:51来源: 大众网

谭维维 新浪娱乐讯 湖南卫视《我是歌手》第三季第二场竞演落下帷幕,继李荣浩踢馆失败后,节目迎来了第二位踢馆歌手——谭维维。而作为首发歌手,同样在湖南卫视的舞台上发光发亮的张靓颖则是早其一年参加《超级女声》的同门师姐,两人同为四川人,又同为天秤座,如今同登上《我是歌手》的舞台厮杀竞演,谁...

Tan Weiwei Sina entertainment news the Hunan satellite TV, "I'm a singer" third season second games contest ended, following the Li Ronghao road after the failure, show ushered in the second road singer -- Tan Weiwei. But as the first singer, also shine in the Jane Zhang Hunan satellite TV stage is early in the year "super singing girl" with my elder sister, two people the same as the Sichuan people, and the same as the Libra, now with boarded the "I'm a singer" stage fighting contest, who...