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Baby don't shit out a few days, the best approach

2017-07-28 20:31:04来源: 新浪

每个当妈妈的,都曾经因为宝宝的“便便”问题而疑惑过 其中一种就是:宝宝几天不拉便便 “宝宝从满月开始就总是五六天才大便一次, 大便量多,不干燥,每天的尿量还是挺多的,这正常吗? 是便秘还是喂养不足,总是这么久才拉一次大便,对宝宝发育有影响吗?” 宝宝不拉便便别着急,或...

Every when mother, ever since the baby "poop" questions and doubts One of which is: the baby for a few days don't shit out "baby since the full moon is always five or six genius move bowels, move bowels capacity is much, not dry, a day or a lot of urine, is this normal? Is constipation or inadequate feeding, always so long to pull a stool, influential to baby?" The baby doesn't shit out don't try so hard, or...