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OPPO R11s配色公布,三色齐发红色抢眼

OPPO R11s color, three color have red

2017-10-24 16:56:30来源: 飞象网

号称手机界最会玩颜色的OPPO每次发布新品都会给消费者带来惊喜,这次的全面屏拍照手机R11s也不例外。今日,OPPO官方微博正式公布了R11s的三款基础颜色,分别为香槟色、黑色、红色,其中香槟色和红色均为全新调配的颜色。作为OPPO R11的升级版,我们不禁对OPPO R11s的拍照有了...

So-called mobile world most play color OPPO every release new product will bring a surprise to the consumer, the full screen camera phones R11s is no exception. Today, OPPO official weibo officially unveiled a R11s three base color, champagne, black, red, respectively, with champagne and red are the new colors. As OPPO R11 updated version, we can't help to OPPO R11s take photo...