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春季踏青正当时 当心宝宝花粉过敏

Spring outing is the time when the baby is allergic to pollen

2016-04-12 15:09:10来源: 中国广播网

央广网合肥4月12日消息(记者王利 通讯员王炜)正值春暖花开好时节,不少家长都会在周末带孩子到公园踏青赏花。安徽省儿童医院专家提醒,眼下正是儿童花粉过敏的高发期,家长带孩子外出时应作好防护措施。 上周末,合肥市民周女士带一岁多的宝宝去踏青,在油菜花地里玩了很久,回家以后孩子脸上就开始...

CNR network Hefei April 12 news (reporter correspondent Wang Wang Wei) when the spring season, many parents will at the weekend to take the kids to the Park Outing flowers. Children's Hospital of Anhui Province, experts advise, now is the high incidence of pollen allergy in children, parents should make protective measures when they go out. Last weekend, Hefei citizens Ms. Zhou with more than one year old baby to go outing, in the rape to play for a long time, after coming home, the child's face began to...