新关注 > 信息聚合 > 宝马拟2021年前推出首款纯无人驾驶汽车


BMW plans to 2021 years ago to launch its first pure driverless cars

2016-07-05 11:09:34来源: 环球网

【环球网综合报道】据《今日美国》杂志7月1日报道,德国豪华汽车制造商宝马在上周五表示,将在2021年推出全自动驾驶汽车。此前,宝马与英特尔、Mobileye就自动驾驶汽车技术方面达成合作。 毋庸置疑,宝马公司与英特尔、Mobileye的合作标志着自动驾驶汽车发展迈出了一大步,同时,这...

Comprehensive report 】 【 the web on July 1, according to a USA today reported that the German luxury carmaker BMW, said last Friday will be launched in 2021 fully automatic driving a car. Previously, BMW with Intel, Mobileye self-driving cars technology reached cooperation. There is no doubt that the BMW company cooperating with Intel, Mobileye marks the development of self-driving cars took a big step, at the same time, it...