新关注 > 信息聚合 > 索尼或将出售电影电视业务 谁成为下一个接盘侠?

索尼或将出售电影电视业务 谁成为下一个接盘侠?

SONY or will sell the movie and television business, who will become the next pick Jack?

2017-01-23 18:30:57来源: TechWeb

TechWeb 1月22日报道 文/菩提 据外媒报道,在索尼影业CEO迈克尔·林顿离职后,索尼总部方面便开始于金融人士接触,意在将旗下电影和电视业务出售。目前,索尼影视娱乐公司正在制作电影《蜘蛛侠:返校季》以及电视节目《危险边缘》和《黑名单》。 有报道称,此次索尼出售的仅是旗下电影和...

TechWeb January 22nd reported that the text / Bodhi, according to foreign media reports, after SONY pictures CEO Michael Linton left, SONY headquarters began to finance contacts, intended to sell its film and television business. Currently, SONY Pictures Entertainment is making the movie "Spiderman: back to school season" and the TV program "dangerous edge" and "black list.". It is reported that the SONY sold only its films and...

标签: 电影 索尼