新关注 > 信息聚合 > 2015年青岛学生资助报告:全年资助资金4.75亿


Qingdao student financial assistance report 2015: funding for the whole year 475 million

2016-02-23 16:02:26来源: 大河网

青岛新闻网2月23日讯 今天上午,青岛新闻网记者从市教育局获悉,为保证每位家庭经济困难学生不因贫困而辍学,享受平等教育机会,2015年全市累计资助资金4.75亿,其中,财政投入资金4.49亿,基金会...

This morning, on February 23, Qingdao news network news, Qingdao news network reporter learns from the city bureau of education, to ensure that each family economic difficulties students quit school due to poverty, not to enjoy equal education opportunity, the accumulative total funding 475 million, 2015, among them, the financial investment capital is 449 million, the foundation...