新关注 > 信息聚合 > 嫦娥四号明年登月 中国专家揭秘月球上如何种土豆

嫦娥四号明年登月 中国专家揭秘月球上如何种土豆

Chang 'e moon next year 4 Chinese experts reveal how to grow potatoes on the moon

2017-06-19 13:17:28来源: 中青在线

科普载荷“月面微型生态圈”初样 电影《火星救援》描述了主人公试图在火星上种植土豆的情节。现在,这一愿景有望被中国率先完成了。2018年,科普载荷“月面微型生态圈”将作为一位特殊的乘客搭乘嫦娥四号...

Popular science load surface micro ecological circle, prototype sample film "Mars rescue" describes the hero trying to grow potatoes on Mars. Now, this vision is expected to be China's first finished. In 2018, the popular science load surface micro ecological circle, as a special passengers aboard the goddess of the moon will be 4...