新关注 > 信息聚合 > 承德1—7周岁重度聋儿 可报名申请人工耳蜗

承德1—7周岁重度聋儿 可报名申请人工耳蜗

Chengde 1-7 years old can apply for cochlear implants

2017-03-26 08:32:05来源: 河北新闻网

“关心残疾儿童的成长,让聋儿听到声音!”日前,记者从承德市残联部门获悉,凡我市1—7周岁(未满8 周岁)、在普通学校就读的重度聋儿,可报名申请救助,符合条件的聋儿可免费获得一套人工耳蜗产品(随机),...

"Concerned about the growth of the disabled children, let the deaf children hear voice!" Recently, the reporter learns from chengde city department of disabled persons' federation, every city 1-7 years of age (less than 8 years of age), severe deaf children in ordinary schools, to apply for relief, eligible freely available for a cochlear products (random),...