新关注 > 信息聚合 > 权威媒体评历史最佳:梅西第1老马第2 C罗无缘前5

权威媒体评历史最佳:梅西第1老马第2 C罗无缘前5

Authoritative media history the best: Lionel messi cristiano ronaldo for 1 horse 2 before 5

2017-06-09 13:00:14来源: 新浪体育


For which player is the best player in the history of the problem, has always been a controversial topic, but the Dutch international football magazine believes that messi is the best player in history, and cristiano ronaldo could not get the top five. The magazine rated messi as history first, "small flea" maradona in team won the World Cup, who helped Argentina, messi has not won the World Cup.