新关注 > 信息聚合 > 北京高招政策三大变化 报考人数连续11年下降

北京高招政策三大变化 报考人数连续11年下降

Beijing smart policy for 11 consecutive years drop in the number three big changes to enter oneself for an examination

2017-03-30 00:58:21来源: 新浪

新浪教育讯 29日,北京市招生考试委员会审议通过了《北京市2017年普通高等学校招生工作规定》。北京2017年高招政策正式发布。今年北京高招政策有三大变化,具体为:取消本科三批,将本科二、三批合并为...

Sina education - 29, the Beijing municipal admission examination committee passed the "Beijing 2017 ordinary higher school enrolment work regulations. Beijing entrance policy and the official launch in 2017. Move this year, Beijing has policy has three big changes, specific as follows: cancel the three batch of undergraduate course, incorporating undergraduate group two and three as...