新关注 > 信息聚合 > 电影《风云1927》在人民大会堂首映 由八七会议真..

电影《风云1927》在人民大会堂首映 由八七会议真..

The movie "Fengyun 1927" in the Great Hall of the people by the eight seven meeting of the premiere really..

2014-05-22 07:40:45来源: 荆楚网

湖北日报讯 本报北京21日电(记者黄璐)今天下午,由省委宣传部、武汉市委宣传部、江岸区委区政府、八一电影制片厂联合拍摄的重大革命历史题材影片《风云1927》(原名:八七会议)首映礼在人民大会堂举行。...

Hubei Daily News newspaper Beijing Xinhua (reporter Huang Lu) 21 afternoon, by the provincial Party Committee Propaganda Department, municipal Party Committee Propaganda Department, Wuhan Jiang'an District Party committee and government, the eight one film studios co production of major revolutionary history theme movie "Fengyun 1927" (formerly known as: eight seven meeting) premiere held at the Great Hall of the people. ...

标签: 电影