新关注 > 信息聚合 > 王思聪晒新电视:超大100寸索尼Z9D、全球第一台


Sicong bask in new TV: large 100 - inch SONY Z9D, first in the world

2017-03-24 00:58:40来源: 新浪

在宽敞的客厅里看看大屏液晶电视是一件非常惬意的事情,王思聪今天就在自己的微博上晒出了刚刚到货的100寸SONY Z9D电视,一起来看看。 从图片上来看,100寸的索尼Z9D电视果然画质惊人,超大...

In spacious living room look bigger LCD TV is a very pleasant thing, sicong today on his microblog drying out just the arrival of the 100 - inch SONY Z9D TV, take a look at. To see from the photos, the 100 inch SONY television Z9D indeed as expected quality, super...

标签: 索尼