新关注 > 信息聚合 > 雷军回应“饥饿营销”质疑:因为小米手机需求大..


Lei Jun responded to hunger marketing questioned: because millet mobile phone demand for big..

2013-10-03 15:18:59来源: TechWeb

《总裁在线》栏目专访小米科技创始人雷军。这期节目中,我们尝试引入网友的提问,为网友创造一个和企业家对话的机会。针对大量网友提出的:小米手机买不到货、甚至质疑小米故意搞“饥饿营销”的说法,雷军也做出了回应 雷军表示:小米手机之所以供货紧张,并非饥饿营销,而是需求量太大,远超过小米当下能供...

, President online column interview millet technology founder Lei Jun. In this program, we try to introduce the question of the user, create a chance for friends and entrepreneurs dialogue. To put forward a large number of users: millet phone buy goods, even questioned millet deliberately engage in "hunger marketing claims, Lei Jun also made response to Lei Jun said: millet mobile phone because of tight supply, marketing is not hunger, but demand is too big, far more than millet the for...