新关注 > 信息聚合 > 腾讯上线移动支付组件“米大师”


Tencent on-line mobile payment component "m master"

2013-10-02 08:24:26来源: 搜狐

【搜狐IT消息】(宋宣)9月30日,腾讯今日低调推出了移动支付组件“米大师”,该组件目前集成了微信支付、Q点、财付通、银行卡、手机充值卡及Google Wallet、IAP等支付渠道。 据悉,该产品目前已经全面支持微信、手机QQ、手机Qzone等平台手游。包括QQ表情购买,《天天爱消...

[IT] (Song Xuan) in September 30th, Tencent today launched mobile payment component "m master", the assembly has integrated Micro message payment, Q, TenPay, bank card, Mobile Recharge Card and Google Wallet, IAP and other payment channels. It is reported, this product has the full support of Micro message, mobile phone QQ, mobile phone Qzone platform Mobile Games. Including the QQ expression to buy, "love fire...

标签: 腾讯