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Bezos: cloud business in the future will certainly exceed the electricity supplier

2013-11-14 17:59:24来源: 搜狐

亚马逊网页服务高级副总裁安迪 杰西(Andy Jassy) 近期在参加媒体大会上表示,亚马逊CEO杰夫 贝索斯坚信,云服务AWS将超越电商成为亚马逊最大的业务。 2012财年,亚马逊获得610亿美元营收。尽管亚马逊并没有披露AWS业务营收,但市场普遍预期,这项业务的营收在35亿美元左...

Amazon Web Services, Senior Vice President Andy Jesse (Andy Jassy) recently participated in the media conference that Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos convinced AWS cloud services will Beyond electricity providers to become Amazon's largest business. 2012 fiscal year, Amazon get $ 61 billion revenue. Although Amazon does not disclose AWS revenues, but the market is generally expected that revenues in this business in $ 3.5 billion left ...

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