新关注 > 信息聚合 > 王丽云与干儿子姚锐同台出演《后宫太子妃》


Adopted son Yao Rui with lee-yun wang in the harem crown princess"

2017-02-08 07:58:20来源: 中国青年网

王丽云和姚锐 腾讯娱乐讯 唐朝宫廷电影《后宫太子妃》将于2月底象山影视城开机拍摄,本电影由东阳市宇皇影视文化有限公司投资出品的一部大型宫廷戏,本电影主演由著名演员王丽云饰演皇太后,皇帝是由出品人...

Wang li and Yao Rui tencent entertainment - the tang dynasty palace movie "harem crown princess" xiangshan studio shoot at the end of 2, this movie from dongyang yu huang, film and television culture co., LTD., a large-scale GongTingXi investment product, this movie starring queen played by actress lee-yun wang, the emperor is by the producers...