新关注 > 信息聚合 > 2014年度手游热词大盘点


Mobile Games circles curious and changeful, 2014 year Mobile Games hot words be the most changeful market point of

2015-01-27 17:56:02来源: DoNews

2014年的手游界波云诡谲、变化多端,资本涌入从庙会赶集到车马稀疏,市场发展也从争先恐后到退烧吃药。可以说,手游用数年时间趟过了十几年的端游历程。回顾全年,以下十大热词能否勾起你片刻的回想? 1 刀塔传奇 今年市场也只出现了一款《刀塔传奇》 上榜理由:这是一款很传奇的产品,并...

2014 years, the influx of capital from the temple fair to the traveling market development from sparse, fall over each other to anti fever medicine. It can be said, Mobile Games spent years trip downstream end of course over ten years. Year in review, the following ten hot words can be recalled back you for a moment? 1 turret legend this year the market also appeared only a "legend" knife tower list reasons: This is a very legendary products, and...

标签: 手游