新关注 > 信息聚合 > 4399专访|君海副总裁林晓章:坚持“极致与细分”..


4399 interview Jun | vice president of sea Lin Xiaozhang: adhere to "extreme and subdivision" Jun..

2015-08-10 17:23:32来源: 4399


sea game cutting-edge mobile games to issue as a manufacturer and its have "sword Xianyuan", "national ghost" and so on a variety of high quality RPG mobile games work. In the current ChinaJoy2015 exhibition, Hai Jun also officially opened "code f" mysterious veil, eventually named "Shushan Kendo". In B2B exhibition opened on the first day, 4399 mobile game is honored to invite Prince sea games vice president Lin Xiaozhang Mr. participation the reporters in front of the scene.