新关注 > 信息聚合 > 饿了么战略合作“叮咚买菜”PK美团买菜?


Are you hungry? Strategic cooperation "Dingdong Buy Vegetables" PK Mei Tuan Buy Vegetables?

2019-04-02 12:00:00来源: 亿欧


Some time ago, "Toon Freedom" replaced "Cheli Freedom" and became a new standard used by netizens to measure wealth level. Freedom of the vegetable market, the initial stage of financial freedom, the ability to buy ingredients at will in the vegetable market regardless of price, has become the purchasing power most people envy. For the high-end consumers who have realized the freedom of the vegetable market, they are more willing to spend money, save time and get fresh food more conveniently. In response to this demand, the door-to-door business of delivering vegetables has become hot. Buying vegetables is booming in Shanghai, while the American Troupe has entered the Beijing market two months after the water test in Shanghai. As the biggest two giants in the local life field, Mei Tuan and Ali have been confronting each other constantly before, and not only in business, but also around Wang Xing's evaluation of Ma Yun's "integrity problem" last week. Both sides are also talking about each other, the fierce competition is evident. In the fresh market, hungry or have their own support group. Even in a famously hungry home, Dingdong is also on the market.