新关注 > 信息聚合 > 王者荣耀剑仙:通过自己感染别人带给粉丝快乐


King glory sword play: through infected others bring fans happy

2018-01-17 00:00:00来源: 人民网

不少玩家知道他开始,是通过他的大龙龙坑五杀视频,接触他是喜欢上他那一手行云流水一样的李白,爱上他,则完完全全是他在直播中为大家带来快乐的气氛,他就是“国服第一李白”、触手直播的《王者荣耀》一哥“剑仙”。 在谈到直播时的状态,剑仙提到:“先不说什么正能量吧,其实很多东西都比较容易感染,做直播的时候我笑,或许观众他其实什么也没看他就是听到你在笑,他就会觉得挺有意思的,就会挺开心的。你要是哭,或者换一种比较悲伤的音乐的话,他肯定也会被那种感情的思绪打断,他也会有烦恼会受到那种牵连,所以主播要自身立出一个样子来”。 剑仙深知自己作为一个互联网时代年轻一代偶像的重要性,希望始终以一副阳光少年的...

Many players know he began, through his big having five hole video, he is like his contact with flowing as li bai, fall in love with him, is completely in his live the atmosphere of happiness for you, he is "the first li bai", tentacles streaming a brother "sword play" the king of glory. When it comes to live in the state, sword play: "regardless of what the positive energy, in fact, a lot of things are prone to infection, do live when I smile, perhaps audience he didn't read what he actually is to hear you laugh, he will feel very interesting, will be very happy. If you cry, or in a more sad music, he will certainly be that kind of emotional thoughts interrupted, he'd have trouble will be affected by the involvement, so the host will set out a way to themselves." Sword play know yourself as an Internet age the importance of the younger generation idol, hope is always with a pair of sunshine teenager...

标签: 王者荣耀