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《西楚霸王》七星试炼玩法升级 谋略机智战兽人

"The place of overlord" seven star test gameplay upgrade Counsel wit the orcs

2016-05-13 11:58:01来源: 新浪

七星试炼是网易战争网游《西楚霸王》中玩家点击率较高的日常玩法,它的最大特点在于副本的随机性和趣味性。而随着新服“气吞山河”的开启,游戏版本有了重大更新,七星试炼中的救与杀副本也迎来智能化升级。 在沛县剧情中,玩家会帮助刘邦净化村民,对抗秦军。当完成这一主线任务后,你就有几率在七星试炼...

Seven trials are netease war games in place of overlord player hits higher daily play, its biggest characteristic is to copy the randomicity and interesting. But with the new dress "was very open," the game version had a major update, seven stars tried copy of saving and kill also usher in intelligent upgrade. In peixian county in the plot, players will help purify the villagers liu bang, against the qin. After complete the quests, you'll have a chance in the seven stars tried...