新关注 > 信息聚合 > 觉醒技能首曝!《永恒魔法》新内容“全职觉醒”3.16公测


A first exposure awareness skills. "The eternal magic" new content "awakening" full-time 3.16 beta

2018-02-28 00:00:00来源: 人民网

多益网络魔幻冒险网游《永恒魔法》年度首个全新内容“全职觉醒”,将于3月16日正式上线,官网现已开放新服预约!同时官方抛出新内容悬念,暗示全新内容将主打“人物觉醒”。新内容悬念如何解读?年度全新内容将有哪些新玩法加入?今日17173为你独家爆料。 全新内容“全职觉醒”悬念 《永恒魔法》年度全新内容“全职觉醒” 开测时间:3月16日12:00 年度新服:二〇一八 人物觉醒技能:逆天双套技能首曝 17173获悉,本次全新内容,《永恒魔法》将为副本战斗融入全职业必杀技系统所有职业将配备双套技能体系,玩家可以手握一套终极大招技能!在战斗中开启觉醒状态,当前技能面板将完全换新,爆发逆天的...

Doeg the network fantasy adventure games "eternal magic" first annual new content "full-time awakening", will be officially launched on March 16, new take reservation website is now open! Thrown at the same time, the official new content suspense, suggesting that new content will be the main "awakening". Suspense how to interpret the new content? The annual new content to add what are the new play? 17173 exclusive report for you today. New content "full-time awakening" suspense "eternal magic" annual new content "awakening" full-time open test time: 12:00 on March 16, the annual new suit: two people awakening skills: fate of two sets of skills first revealed 17173, according to the new content, the eternal magic will fight for copy into all professional career killer response system will be equipped with two sets of skills system, players can hold a ultimate big recruit skills! Open state of awakening in the battle, the current skills panel will completely change new, go against outbreak of...