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想把Xbox One画面串流到Mac上?这个第三方软件能办到

Want to put the Xbox One picture streaming on Mac? The third party software can do

2018-02-28 16:46:16来源: 游戏时光

在两年多前Windows 10正式推出时,其自带的Xbox App就有能够把Xbox One的画面串流到PC上的功能。而PC平台另一个热门系统Mac OS就没法做到这点。不过如今一款名叫OneCast的应用打破了这一限制。 OneCast类似于把Xbox App中的串流功能为Mac OS做了个单独版本。软件本身支持最高1080P画面输出、Xbox One手柄控制器,而且还支持多用户登陆。从外媒THE VERGE的使用体验上来看,延迟控制表现得很不错,只是1080P画面在高分屏Mac上开全屏模式会显得有些糊。&nb...

& have spent & have spent & have spent When Windows 10 officially launched more than two years ago, its own Xbox App will be able to put the Xbox One picture streaming to the function of the PC. Another hot system and PC platform Mac OS can't do this. But now a man named OneCast application broke this restriction. & have spent & have spent & have spent OneCast is similar to the Xbox streaming capabilities of App do a separate version for Mac OS. Software itself supports up to 1080 p picture output, Xbox One handle controller, but also supports multiple user login. From THE foreign media on THE VERGE of experience, delay control performance well, and just 1080 p picture in high screen open full-screen mode to be able to appear some paste on THE Mac. & nb...

标签: Xbox