新关注 > 信息聚合 > 龙珠LKP鸡皇锦标赛A组开战 二十支明星战队谁能晋级

龙珠LKP鸡皇锦标赛A组开战 二十支明星战队谁能晋级

Dragon ball LKP chicken huang championship battle group A 20 all star team who can advance

2018-02-28 00:00:00来源: 人民网

2月27日晚19:00,由苏宁易购电脑频道全程赞助支持的 LKP鸡皇锦标赛正赛在龙珠直播拉开战幕。在首日进行的A组首轮比赛中豪强林立,备受关注的德云色4FW战队,APL中国区冠军FTD战队,还有各"明星"战队,如陈赫的SnakeTC战队、鹿晗的Lstars战队、韩寒的1246战队、周杰伦的JTEAM战队等,率先为网友们带来了一场精彩纷呈的吃鸡盛宴。首轮过后SnakeTC发挥稳定暂居第一,FTD、HG、QIN、Lstars紧随其后分列第二到第五。 2月27日的A组上半轮比赛共进行了三局。第一局中FTD靠着优秀的战术体系吃鸡成功,总分与击杀分都排第一。FTD在战术制定、进圈路线的规划还有时...

At 19:00 on February 27th evening, sponsored by Su Ningyi purchase computer channel fully support the LKP live chickens emperor championship race in dragon ball kicked off. On the first day of group A first round match strongmen, DE cloud color 4 fw team, much attention has been paid to APL China champion FTD clan, and the "star" team, such as Chen He SnakeTC team, exo Lstars team, han han's 1246 team, jay Chou's JTEAM team, etc., the first brought A wonderful for netizens to eat chicken. After the first round of SnakeTC solid performance in the first, FTD, HG, QIN, Lstars followed by coming second to the fifth. On February 27, the group A first round three innings were conducted. FTD in the first inning against the outstanding tactical system to eat chicken success, total score and kill points first. In tactical FTD develop, into the circle of route planning and the...