新关注 > 信息聚合 > 剑指苍穹《斗仙2》新服预约火爆开启


Sword refers to the sky "fight the fairy 2 new hot start booking

2016-04-12 14:37:58来源: 新浪

3D自由战斗网游《斗仙2》新服“剑指苍穹”,今日预约火爆开启!谁人敢执三尺青峰,笑问浩浩苍穹?《斗仙2》的洪荒疆场等你来战! 【新人七天乐】 新服“剑指苍穹”开启后,《斗仙2》将为广大新入游戏的玩家们量身定制“新人七天乐”专属成长计划,全方位助力玩家快速熟悉并上手游戏。无压力上手...

3 d free combat game "fight the fairy 2" new suit "sword refers to the sky", hot start booking today! Who dare to hold three feet, smile ask huge sky? "Fight the fairy 2, conceptions of I've waiting for you to fight! Seven tianle 】 【 new new clothing, after "sword refers to the sky" open "dou fairy 2" will be the new game players to tailor "new seven tianle" exclusive growth plans, comprehensive power players quickly familiar with and started the game. No pressure to fit...