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激情永不熄灭 再战巨人《征途》新十年

Passion never extinguished New decade after failing giants "journey"

2016-03-28 15:11:26来源: 新浪

十年前,《征途》激情战火永不休,万人国战厮杀不断,超级福利震撼来袭,游戏减负强势来袭,让大家在新十年中,依然能够体验到更加激情的《征途》。 新十年赢新PK玩法,战火越烧越旺 进入新十年,《征途》打造全新PVP玩法,将更为激情的PK体验呈现给广大玩家。 比如,比万人国战更刺激的...

Ten years ago, "the journey" passion war never cease, frequents killing ten thousand people, the super welfare shock hit, the game -- a strong hit, let everybody in the new decade, still can experience more passion "journey". New decade to win new PK game, war are burning ever more brightly Entering a new decade of life, "the journey" to build a new PVP game, will be more passionate PK experience is presented to the players. For example, more than ten thousand people frequents stimulation...